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You can format text using these additional symbols. Zettel Notes follows Commonmark Markdown specification. Learn more about Commonmark.


  • Enclose text with ** or __ eg. **text** or __text__
  • Rendered as text


  • Enclose text with * or _ eg. *text* or _text_
  • Rendered as text


  • Enclose text with >!!<
  • Click to reveal text in viewer mode
  • You can also long press to copy text in spoiler


  • Enclose text with ~~ eg. ~~strike~~
  • Rendered as ~~strike~~


  • Enclose text with ^ eg. ^superscript^
  • Rendered as superscript


  • Enclose text with ~ eg ~subscript~
  • Rendered as subscript

Text Higlight

  • Enclose text with == eg ==highlight==
  • Rendered as highlight


  • Heading is defined as # in front of text
  • 6 Heading levels are supported
  • eg. # Heading is interpreted as Heading level 1 and ## Heading as level 2

Code Higlighting

  • 2 types of code highlighting is supported
  • Inline code code
  • Enclose text with single backtick (`)
  • Code blocks
  • Enclose text with three backticks (```) and a new line.
Code blocks
  • To create a link enclose the description in brackets and link in parentheses.
  • Eg. [Official Website](
  • Rendered as Official Website
  • You can also directly create link without description <>.


  • Unordered (- Unordered)
  • Unordered (- Unordered)

  • Ordered (1. Ordered)

  • Ordered (2. Ordered)


  • Defined via > in front of text eg. > this is a blockquote

this is a blockquote

Task lists

Defined via - [ ] in front of text. It is rendered only when bracket is the first thing in line

  • [ ] Pending with empty bracket
  • [x] Completed with x or X in bracket


Tasks can be ticked from View Mode

Thematic break

  • Use ---, ***, ___ in a new line
  • rendered as


  • Following formats are supported
  • [comment]: This is a comment
  • %%comment%%
  • Comments are not shown in View Mode


  • Defined as
|Column 1 | Column 2 |
| Row 1   | Row 1    |
| Row 2   | Row 2    |
  • It will be rendered as
Column 1 Column 2
Row 1 Row 1
Row 2 Row 2


  • Defined as ![Description](image-location.png)
  • Image location has to be relative to the note file or use / in start if absolute location is used.


To use specific width for images use HTML format. For eg. to set image width as 50%, use <img src="" width="50%"/>


Footnotes allow you to add references for specific text in a note.

To create a footnote add [1] after the text. eg Text[^1]. Here 1 is identifier and can be any number or word but cannot contain space. Add the footnote reference at the end of the document eg. [1]: this is the reference.


Inline Latex

To use inline latex, enclose the latex formula in $. eg. $\text{A long division \longdiv{12345}{13}$.

Block Latex

To use block latex enclose the latex formula with $$ and new line

\text{A long division \longdiv{12345}{13}

Supported HTML tags

  • Blockquote (blockquote)
  • Center (center)
  • Code (code, pre)
  • Emphasis (<i>, <em>, <cite>, <dfn>)
  • Heading (h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6)
  • Highlight (mark)
  • Link (a)
  • Lists (ul, ol)
  • Strong Emphasis (<b>, <strong>)
  • Superscript (<sup>)
  • Subscript (<sub>)
  • Strike-through (<s>, <strike>, <del>)
  • Spoiler (spoiler)
  • Underline (<u>, ins)